ONLINE DEBATE COMPETITION “Discourse 2K20” Topic for the competition: “Farm bills: Are India’s new reforms beneficial or harmful for farmers?” OR "Amidst the wake of pandemic, will reopening of the schools and colleges be a good idea?" Here are the rules for 'Discourse 2K20’: 1. All the U.G students from any of the recognized university/college are eligible 2. Each participant shall record a 5 minutes video. 3. Each participant shall clearly mention his/her allotted code number in the beginning itself. 4. The participant should clearly mention his/her motion regarding the topic i.e. either for/ against. 5. The participant should be in formal attire. Judgment Criteria: 1. You shall be marked on the basis of content, body language, intonations, confidence and time management. 2. Deviation from the topic shall lead to negative marking. 3. Exceeding the time limit shall lead to negative marking. 4. ...